Patricia Doane, Code Author, Planner, & Cartographer
Pat Doane joined Neil Erwin Law in 2014 after an accomplished career of over 30 years with the City of Ruston. She has made Bossier City her home.
For eight years she served as Ruston Planning Director, and before that, as City Cartographer/Demographer (including reapportionment and census verification). Her skills include: map creation and geoanalysis with ArcGIS, and the ability to integrate property descriptions, engineering plans, and research materials into clear, understandable formats for codes, ordinances, annexations, and redistricting.
During the past decade, her work focus has been annexations, zoning codes, future land use plans, subdivision regulations, blight removal regulations, and drafting other customized municipal code to suit specific needs of the community. This was accomplished both through her individual efforts and in teamwork with other agencies, attorneys, or specialist consultants.
Pat understands the day-to-day challenges of providing services by the variety of departments of local government, from Administration to Zoning, which has been a key element to her successful, customized code drafting.
During her career with Ruston, Pat led the conversion from hand drawn mapping to computer aided drafting, then to geographic information systems and in collaboration with the City, Lincoln Parish, and the Communication District, she helped form the Lincoln Parish GIS. Her geographic information mapping included a comprehensive future land use plan and zoning maps, history of every annexation and corporate limits boundary changes, and title research of all City-owned properties and streets. Pat majored in fine arts at Louisiana Tech University before obtaining a degree in Civil Drafting and Surveying from Northwest Technical College in 1975. Her training in the detail of survey work has added useful background for her career in land use and regulation, including the creation and analysis of real estate boundaries.
Pat graduated from Northwest Technical College in 1975 with a degree in Civil Drafting and Surveying. Her training in the detail of survey work has added useful background for her career in land use and regulation, including the creation and analysis of real estate boundaries.
“Clean Sweep: Practical Tips on Property Nuisance Abatement”, Louisiana Municipal Association, Summer 2019.
“Warning: Legal Quicksand. Some Common Municipal Employment Tangles and Suggested Guidance to Avoid Them”, Louisiana Municipal Clerks Association, Spring 2018.
“Who Are You Calling Arbitrary? A Guide to Help Protect Your Land Use Decisions Without Inviting Lawsuits”, Louisiana Chapter, American Planning Association, Winter, 2016 (Panelist)